Kahuna Kupuna
We were thrilled to safely hold the
23rd Annual Kahuna Kupuna Surf Contest
on Saturday, July 29, 2023
Mahalo to All in the Surf and on the Shore

About the Kahuna Kupuna
Enjoy a day at the beach with others in our surfing community, celebrate the intergenerational nature of our sport, and raise some much needed funds for Pacifica’s Environmental Family!
The Kahuna Kupuna is an annual shortboard and longboard surf contest that honors the more experienced (in age) surfers among us! The main focus of the contest is the Kahuna Kupuna division for men and women 40 years of age and over, with separate sub-divisions for shortboard and longboard surfers. In addition, an Intergenerational Team Division welcomes surfers of all ages
Kahuna, in Hawaiian, means Big Chief, and Kupuna means grandparent or older member of the community who everyone turns to for advice and counsel.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available for 2024!
(below are the details from 2023, that will be the same for the year ahead!)