Pacifica's open space is an essential part of our city's character. How did we get here?
Diligent citizens from across the community have kept a watchful eye out for decades and with broad (though not universal) support, have protected and preserved many hillsides and coastal areas into perpetuity.
Over these decades though, development pressures have not only continued but in recent years have seen a spike in project proposals that could devastate fragile hillsides and viewsheds, impact natural habitat and wildlife corridors, and create unsafe conditions by increasing congestion and building into wildland-urban interface areas.
The followig videos are an inspiring call to action about what has been done and what can be done to ensure that Open Space and preservation of Pacifica's hillsides and coastal areas remain a focus in City of Pacifica Planning (the General Plan update, Local Coastal Plan, specific plans and development proposals) continuing the visionary work of past generations to maintain our unique and enviable environment.
Dig into the Pacifica Historical Societies Footprints of Pacifica series with a focus on Open Space and an overview of some wildly inappropriate development projects (a card club on Mori Point! a marina at Rockaway Beach!! two 18-story apartment towers on Gypsy Hill!!!) that were stymied by concerned citizens and elected officials focus on maintaining Pacifica's essential natural resources and character.
Footprints of Pacifica #26
Open Space Part 1
Interviews with John Curtis, Ferd Simon, and Peter Loeb -- all early participant in the efforts at saving Open Space for Pacifica. In Studio: Shirley Drye and Julie Lancelle who recall the efforts to Save Sweeny Ridge and Mori Point. (Wave Award Winner)
Pacifica Open Space Today and How We Got Here
A historical view of development projects that were not built in the California City of Pacifica.
Footprints of Pacifica #28
Open Space Part 2
Interviews with Open Space activists:
Jan Dutton, Ken Miles, Mike Vasey, and Clark Natwick. They recall early concerns, long struggles and successes.